Friday, June 12, 2009

Finally in Australia!

Hey Friends!!

I'm Here!! I got in yesterday morning around 6am my time, which would be about 3 pm your time. [You just add 15 hours to your time to get mine.] I could see the sunrise as we were landing and it was amazing! My mind was pretty messed up yesterday...I didn't get to see Thursday at all...just went from Wednesday night to Friday morning...weird.

I am travelling with 3 other girls who go to Stout and they are all pretty cool. Yesterday we walked around Brisbane, checking things out. Brisbane is very similar to Minneapolis, maybe a bit smaller. It was freezing yesterday!! Even though we are in their winter, I didn't think it would be that cold, but holy crap! It was! The temp was probably around 40* started to warm up as the day went on...maybe getting around 60*. The news tonight said it was supposed to get around the 70s, so that is Great News!

Tonight we checked out some wine to celebrate being in Australia, but prices are outrageous! Most bottles started at $45 and went up from there, so we decided to stay classy and go with $12 box wine. I was looking for Boone's Farm, but so far no luck....Nuts! We stayed in tonight...just ordered a pizza, watched Australia's Deal or No Deal & Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and played cards. It was pretty pathetic, we all crashed at 8 pm. I should have made myself stay up...cause right now I am Bright-Eyed & Bushy-Tailed at 3 in the morning!

Today (Saturday) we are planning on taking a river boat up the river to check out a Koala Sanctuary and a few museums at the Cultural Center. We will be staying in Brisbane until Monday, then we are heading to Southern Cross University in Lismore. The drive by car is about 3 hours, but should be pretty cool because we are driving down the eastern coast.

[Hey Uncle Donny..just thought of you...I saw a street sweeper go by the hotel!]

Hi Mum! There is a little shop across from the hotel called Bongo Beads. It is really cool & they have a shitton of beads!! Soooo, you & Dad should come visit so you can pick some up. Really, you should!

Well, I should probably try sleeping again, so I am not a pile tomorrow. G'Nite Mates!

P.S. Friends, please download Skype on your computers. I will be able to talk to you & possibly see you if you have a webcam! It is free and doesn't take long to download. That's all. Ok? Bye.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. I did not end up sitting next to anyone who smelled like moldy cheese! lol
