Last night I ended up staying up all night, trying to get caught up on a bunch of homework. I actually got a lot of stuff done…surprisingly. There were a few journal entries as well as a commentary on the discussion board for my finance class that had to be done by this morning. Since I had stayed up all night, I had enough time to shower and get ready for the day. For once, I made it to the beginning of my finance lecture (though it was only for the first 45 minutes). My Finance lecture is being co-taught by two instructors; today the more interesting professor was there and everything was easy to understand, unlike the other guy. It sucked that I had to leave lecture early to go to my Outdoor Ed lecture; I was enjoying class!
So on to Outdoor Ed I went, which usually consists of going through the powerpoint slides…kinda a snooze. The day was nothing out of the ordinary; just another Tuesday…until lecture was done. My friends were waiting for me outside the lecture hall and freaked once I finally came out. My eyes were Crazy! My left pupil was HUGE!! And my right pupil was tiny. Neither one was its regular size. When I looked into the light or the sun, they got even worse. I was kinda freaked out because this had never happened before…if anything my pupils have appeared large before, but I think that is just cause I have Big Eyes.
Anyways, after a phone call to my Mother and talking with my friends, I decided it would be a good decision to stop into the Uni Doctor to have a look. I was weary of going…I didn’t think he would know what was going on and didn’t want to skip my Outdoor Ed tute. And $45 later, I was right…he referred me to an eye surgeon right away that afternoon. It took a while trying to find someone to take me…it was about a 15 minute car ride…but finally Sarah ended up taking me. She works in the English language center and left her desk for the day to help me….a really nice lady.
The eye doctor took a while examining my eyes…so I for sure thought I was going blind…but he told me that I was going to live to see tomorrow…literally. Apparently the muscles around my pupils were not working well and though it sounds crazy, a lot of young women have this problem. It usually ends up correcting itself in a few weeks or months, but usually goes away. Thank God. For a moment I was considering looking up the nearest circus, with hopes of being the next main attraction. (My “friends” had a good time with that joke as well!)
While studying abroad, I am covered with international student insurance, which means I have to pay out-of-pocket…but most of the time (depending on the nature of your visit) students are reimbursed, as long as the receipts are kept. The second appointment was not cheap…$120. But Sarah was real nice and took me downtown Lismore to file my claim and get my money back right away. Otherwise it can take up to a couple months to get everything sorted.
After all the drama of the day, I headed home for a sleep. It was a good one too…about 4 hours long…much needed after staying up all night!
Later, after that wonderful nap, Mark came up to 19 to help me pick out a dress. He was going on a journey with the Canadian Boys to
Today I didn’t get up until 12:30…in the afternoon!! I wasn’t feeling too well…probably early signs of the Swine. I slept in so late that I skipped my morning Perspectives lecture. Whoops! It would not have been that big of a deal [we are not graded on attendance] but we had a guest lecturer that I would have liked to have heard. However, I did make it to the afternoon tutorial, so the whole day was not a waste.
After class was done I headed with the Girls down to the plaza in search of some large hats/headpieces for Race Day. I really wanted to find a big hat decked out with feathers for the Day, but was unsuccessful with that mission. Instead, I picked up some much-needed groceries. Once we were done, we grabbed a taxi back to Orion and started packing for Coffs.
I was leaving tonight with Mark and the Canadian Boys: Rob, Gordon, & Christian. Lisa & Kelly would not be joining us until tomorrow along with Sarah, Arlo & Company. I had to hurry to get all my clothes washed and packed to meet the Boys at 9:00 pm to leave.
It took quite a while to drive there. All 5 of us were packed in the Canadian car along with blankets, pillows, and our bags. It was a cozy ride that lasted about 3 hours. We didn’t arrive in Coffs until midnight. Once there we drove up to a lookout point, which was really cool. Mark pointed out different areas and buildings to us. It looked really cool because the city was lit up and the coast could be seen. Then we made one last stop at the marina before heading to Mark’s parent’s house around 1:00.
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