Dishes actually were not too bad…with 5 of us still around we were able to clean up the kitchen, dishes, and food quite quickly. Rob, Gord, Christian, Mark & I played Wii for a bit while everyone finished up packing [and the Boys relieved themselves of breakfast] before we hit the road. The Boys also made sure to pack the golf course flags into the car, as a souvenir from the Coffs Harbour course.
We made one last stop at the Big Banana before leaving Coffs Harbour. In Australia there are a lot of “Big” things…such as a Big Apple, Avocado, Beer Can, Tennis Racquet, Cow, Crab…and the list goes on & on. You can check out more at http://www.bigthings.com.au/. There are over 150 Big Things throughout the country, mostly serving as a tourist trap or a good excuse for a road trip. The Big Banana in Coffs Harbour was the first Big Thing built in 1964. Anyways, we made the monumental stop and had our picture taken with the Big Banana.
Our road trip continued for three more long hours back to Lismore, with Christian as our driver. Along the way back we were entertained by Gord’s singing abilities, which actually were not too bad. Finally we made it back to Orion that afternoon and I enjoyed one of the best naps ever! I was so pooped out from the past couple days, I needed a good nap to catch back up.
It was Friday night, which meant it was Poker Night. At 7:00pm everyone was supposed to go over to Lloyd & Mark’s at 21C, throw their $5 in the pot, and try their luck. Lots of people ended up backing out, but we still played a game. Lloyd, Mark, Lisa, Kelly, Hoarey, Tony, Jimmy & I all went in for the Big Bucks, but Lisa ended up taking 2nd and got her money back and Lloydy took 1st and won the $35 that was in the pot. Nuts. Oh well, for my first game and only $5 it went alright. Maybe next time…
I convinced everyone to try playing Dirty Clubs after poker, though it wasn’t easy. A lot of them hadn’t played before and it was a while since I had last played, so telling everyone the rules of the game was a bit of a challenge. While we were trying to get a decent game started someone was talking about their moldy shower and trying to clean it up…I think it was Lisa. Anyways, she was telling Lloyd & Mark about how the caulk around the shower was really gross and she couldn’t get it clean, but they did not hear “caulk.” Instead they heard another word because of our American accents [which is not too pleasant] and were laughing hysterically. Lisa, Kelly, & I were trying to explain what caulk was by saying people use it between tiles and it is all over bathrooms. The Boys thought it was soo funny and kept saying “Just fill it up with caulk.” A bit inappropriate, but nothing new to those boys! We spent quite a bit giggling like girl scouts before heading our own ways back to our apartments.
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