After cleaning up our breakfast dishes, we got into 3 groups for our Navigation activity. We were to use our compass & map to find our bearings and navigate through the bush. We also carried a radio and first aid kit in case we ran into trouble. The trail was a circle through gulleys, valleys, swamps, up, down, & around a ridge, then back up the hill to camp. There were 15 painted cans along the way that we were supposed to find & assure us that we were on the right trail. Though it wasn’t too difficult, we had a hard time trying to find Cans 3 & 4. In my group were Alana, Jackie, Sabrina, and Becca. We ended up cutting the trail short because we had lost so much time trying to find it…we were also the last group of the three to leave camp. Oh well…we made it along alright disregarding that little mishap.
Since we were late getting back to camp, we packed up our things and hiked along to the next activity with everyone else. Once we reached the next site, a high ropes course, we were able to make a quick lunch of PB & J on flatbread with an apple. This course was called the Flying Fox. We hiked up along two different elements (sections of wire, one for your feet and one for your hands), then climbed up a pole to get to a platform. There we were secured to a wire line running across a pretty steep valley (with a lot of rocks below us) to the opposite where Steve would pull us in. The only thing you could hang on to was the ropes from your harness. It was pretty much a zip line that you would swing across. Before you could jump (yes, you had to jump off the platform yourself) you had to call out a phrase or song or the opposite side could respond and let you know that it was clear & safe to jump. Some of the phrases were: “Marco..Polo” “You’re a bit Flat-Chested…But You’re Alright!” and “Nicky Dog..Dicky Nog” (sorry..inside joke).
Once everyone had their turn, we began to hike down to Base Camp telling our Life Stories along the way to someone new. Once we refueled & refreshed, we were on our way to the next stop…hiking up a really, really steep mountain. The plan was to try to hike up it fast enough to catch the sunset at the top. Tobin & Steve told us that once we reached a pirate ship, we were halfway there. We were all pretty excited that we reached it in about 10 minutes…little did we know that it was not even CLOSE to being halfway…I don’t think it was even 1/20th of the way! When we came to a fork in the trail we could choose to go straight (a steeper, but quicker way to the top) or to go to the right (a flatter, but longer way). We ended up taking the straight, extremely steep path! We probably hiked a 45 degree angle for about ½ hour before coming up to a campsite. By this time we were dripping sweat (and probably blood & tears as well), so we ditched our packs against the picnic tables…then along come Steve & Tobin and burst the news that we were going to continue up, to the very top of the mountain. The camp that we had stopped at was for high school students…dang. Another 15 minutes later, we could finally breathe and take a break. We made it for the sunset and it was definitely worth it! Everyone got some pretty cool pictures in front of it.
The sun set pretty fast and soon it was dark. We had about another 35-45 minute hike ahead of us to the campsite. Steve was leading us while trying to remember where an old hut was that we were going to try to stay in. It was pretty hard trying to hike…in the dark…without a torch (flashlight). Once we ended up finding the hut, everyone started making dinner. We were pretty exhausted and hungry from the day’s adventures. Our food group made Cous Cous for dinner with peas & green beans. We had Tim Tam Slams for dessert. Tim-Tams are biscuits (cookies) that you bit a corner off each side then use it as a straw to drink up
Later, after everyone was done cooking and cleaning up, we sat around the fire and talked. Tobin started a game or discussion, where he asked a question of any nature to either one person or for the group to answer. If you had a good story to go along with the topic, you could share. Not much of a game, but a good way to get to know everyone. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip because I LOVE Questions!! We talked about tons of random things...anything from stories of our families, crazy rituals we do with best friends to serious stories about death, mortgages, and the financial crisis. Never thought I would be talking finance, especially mortgages, with a group of friends around the campfire, but I enjoyed it. Along with our discussion, Tobin sent around chocolate pieces with fruit & nut…Cadbury…only the best.
Bedtime was around 11:00 pm. We decided to get up around 4:30 am the next morning to try to catch the sun rise. The hut was supposed to fit 10 people on the cots, but only 8 beds could be used cause 2 had holes in the tarp. We ended up managing to fit 10 of us in there because some people doubled up. The rest of the group decided to sleep outside, under the stars. In the hut were Anna, Amon, Lisa & Kelly, Katrina, Jess, Todd, Me, and Alana & Jackie. I didn’t realize at the time…actually not until we were back on-campus a few days later…that Jackie & I had slept-talked during the night. Apparently she woke once and yelled at Alana to get out of the bed they were sharing, so Alana got up and Jackie went back to sleep. Then Jackie woke up, freaking out about a bug that was in, near, or around the bed. I heard this and started to freak out as well, asking her where it was. We ended up waking everyone in the hut up, before falling back asleep. I didn’t remember any of this in the morning. I was soo tired, I was delirious!
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